Thursday, June 30, 2011

[News] Leeteuk receives "SPECIAL GIFT" from ELF

Super Junior leader Leeteuk is celebrating his 29th birthday today. ELF, prepared a special project gift for him.

What makes it more special is that, it isn't a material gift usually given to a celebrant. organized a birthday project and ended successfully with Leeteuk's confirmation from Twitter.

Wingsforleeteuk garnered a total of 2,365,444.26 KRW equivalent to 1,370.24 GBP donation for children with cancer in Leeteuk's name.

Leeteuk upon seeing this gift tweeted on twitter:

TRANS by 13elieveSG @ twitter

@special1004: My birthday is once again a great day because of this!!! Many people around the world had participated in this!! To all E.L.F. whom allow me to receive this well wishes!! I will do well and give more back yeah!!!^^

He also shared a youtube link from TeukWings who made a "Leeteuk Birthday Project Video" which is a compilation of greetings and heartwarming messages to SJ's leader.

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